Système de nutrition supplémentaire (SNS)

Le SNS est un excellent moyen d'administrer aux bébés un complément alimentaire pendant qu'ils sont nourris au sein. Ce système favorise le lien unique qui se crée entre la mère et son bébé et les encourage tous deux à profiter chaque jour un peu mieux de l'allaitement. Le SNS administre ainsi au nourrisson le supplément de lait dont il a besoin pendant qu'il est allaité.

Pour en savoir davantage sur les recommandations de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé quant à la durée de l’allaitement, consultez le site

Le système de nutrition supplémentaire : respecter le lien entre la mère et le bébé

« Le SNS me permet à nouveau d'allaiter mon enfant. Cela m'a énormément aidée sur le plan psychologique. Pour moi, ce dispositif représente une formidable solution pour de nombreuses femmes. » Christiane K.

Le SNS ouvre l'allaitement aux mères qui n'auraient pas pu l'envisager autrement et aide le bébé à affiner son comportement de succion. Il offre les avantages suivants :

  • Il peut être utilisé par les mères dont la production de lait est insuffisante ou qui en ont l'impression.
  • Il contribue à stimuler la production de lait de la mère, car le bébé tète au sein.
  • Il peut être employé lorsqu'un complément nutritionnel doit être ajouté au lait maternel.
  • Il apprend au bébé à téter correctement en exerçant une aspiration au niveau du mamelon.

Le SNS est un réservoir rempli de complément alimentaire. Il peut être placé sur la poitrine de la mère ou suspendu à une potence. Les tubes, souples et très fins, se fixent le long des mamelons et libèrent du lait en plus et des compléments alimentaires lorsque le bébé tête.

Mother using SNS breastfeeding baby
Product Description
What's Included
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The Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) is a lactation aid that consists of a container filled with supplementary milk that is clipped securely to a bra strap, shirt or pillow. While the baby is latched at the breast / chest, a thin, flexible tube is placed alongside the nipple into the baby's mouth and a controlled and consistent flow of milk is released as they feed.

  • 1x TwistLok® Lid
  • 1 150ml Container & Lid
  • (1) 1 Clamp
  • (1) TwistLok® Tube
  • (1) Clip
  • (1) Ring
  • (1) Cleaning Aid
  • (1) Instructions for use
  • Unit Dimensions: 131 x 117 x 63 mm
  • Unit Weight: 0.1 kg
  • Case Dimensions: 130 x 271 x 195 mm
  • Case Weight: .73 kg
  • Warranty: 90 days. Please contact Medela Customer Service for warranty replacement.
Vidéos associées

Supplemental Nursing System (SNS)

Cleaning & Using the SNS

1. Who is the Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) for?

Medela’s Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) can be used by mothers and parents who wish to supplement milk at the breast / chest, and support non-lactating mothers and parents including adoptive, surrogate, same sex, transgender and non-binary parents to create a breastfeeding / chestfeeding experience. It can also be used for infants who cannot maintain vacuum long enough.

2. How do I clean the Supplemental Nursing System (SNS), especially the tube?

The Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) can be easily cleaned at home. Before first use and after each use, clean all the components in plenty of warm soapy water, then rinse with clean water and dry with a clean cloth or leave to dry on a clean cloth. Use the specialty Cleaning Aid to effectively and easily clean the tube by flushing it with warm, soapy water (3 times), then clean water (3 times), and finally with air until its visibly dry. Then, further clean the Container, TwistLok Lid, Valve and Lid components before first use and once daily in boiling water for 5 minutes, in a dishwasher or in the microwave using Medela's Quick Clean bags. For a full set of detailed cleaning instructions please read our Instructions for Use, as well as the SNS How To Video and SNS QuickCard.

3. How do I use the Supplemental Nur sing System (SNS)?

The Medela Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) is specifically designed to be easy to use. After the SNS is cleaned, assembled (with the flow stop engaged) and filled with the required amount of milk, clip the device securely to a bra strap, top or pillow. Position the baby at the breast / chest. Once a good latch is established, gently insert the thin, flexible tube 1.5 -2cm into the top corner of the baby's mouth alongside the nipple. Open the flow clamp to the let the milk flow. With the help of gravity and the advanced venting system, a controlled and consistent flow of milk is released to the baby as they feed. For further information on how to use the SNS, please read our Instructions for Use, as well as the SNS How To Video and SNS Quick Card.

4. How long can I use the Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) for?

Medela’s Supplemental Nursing System (SNS) is a single user, reusable device, suitable for repeated daily use. The device is safe to use until it shows first signs of damage or weakness. A Healthcare Professional should be consulted with on how long to supplement for and when to transition or wean off using the SNS.

5. How do I attach the white clip to the see-through ring?

Slightly open the clip at the top. Slide the little hanger of the ring through. Then close the clip again, making sure to switch the pincers of the clip holder into a crossed over position with the little “teeth” pointing inwards. This is important so the clip can then hold on tightly to the fabric you attach it to and hold the container securely in place.

6. How can I make sure I don´t lose any milk while feeding with this system?

The whole system is designed to safeguard your precious drops of milk. Always follow the assembly and cleaning instructions closely and you will be good to go. Should you have the feeling you are losing some drops nonetheless, please always check the following:

* Is the device correctly assembled with no part missing?
* Is the lid screwed on tightly?
* Is the TwistLok connection firmly closed?
* Did you strictly follow the cleaning protocol?

The tube in particular may only be cleaned with the included cleaning device.

Produits utiles

Niefert, M. & Seacat, J. Practical aspects of breast feeding the premature infant. Perin Neonatol 12, 24-30 (1988).